Saw this fucker, though:
This little guy was pretty cute:
Got in a 55-plus mile ride today. I'm now at 884 miles. I guess I'll have to ride every day over the weekend to get 'er done. Maybe Monday morning, too.
Bob is on the road again...
Bobbortunity [bob-er-TOO-ni-tee] -noun, plural -ties
1. Favorable juncture of circumstances that allows one to be in the presence of Bob.
Hey I understand you're not fond (to put it nicely) of the snakes. But it's the balance of nature. When you read in the Snooze and Observer about how much the rat population has grown this winter you can count yourself responsible. Let 'em slither away. You're in nature for chrissakes. Don't wanna see nature? Sit in the gum and ride.
Sit in the bum and ride???
I meant:
Sit in the gum and ride??? What on earth is that?
Sit in the bad.
Increase in rat populations cannot be clearly linked to a decrease in snake populations. Rat populations will increase with moderating winter tempratures like we've had for the last 5 or 6 years, increases in food sources related to population density, and any number of other factors. Many, many other snakes feast on young and old rats, too, so a small, very localized decline in the copperhead population can in no way be linked to an increase in rat populations. The venomous snakes are the sole lethal risk to Greenway users, which in my own experience includes hundreds and hundreds of small children each week. The principal risk to death by copperhead bite is to, you guessed it, the old and the very young.
Whack 'em, Zilla. Ring me if you get tired arms. I'm never more than a call away from killin' poisonous snakes in high traffic areas used by small children.
And yet no matter how many you whack they still exist. A better measure would be to lobby for some signage indicating you're in the wild and wild animals exist. Proceed at your own caution. Sorry you cannot go to a wild location and bitch about the vermin. Shit you don't see them killing all the grizzlies in Alaska. They tell you they're there. Be cautious. If you've been warned and you still get bit then that's nature thinning the herd. If you're a child and you get bit yo mama was not watching well enough. Killing any animal is never okay. As a Budhist I find it morally reprehensible. We will have to agree to disagree on this one.
And yet no matter how many you whack they still exist. A better measure would be to lobby for some signage indicating you're in the wild and wild animals exist. Proceed at your own caution. Sorry you cannot go to a wild location and bitch about the vermin. Shit you don't see them killing all the grizzlies in Alaska. They tell you they're there. Be cautious. If you've been warned and you still get bit then that's nature thinning the herd. If you're a child and you get bit yo mama was not watching well enough. Killing any animal is never okay. As a Budhist I find it morally reprehensible. We will have to agree to disagree on this one.
Damn, reading all that drivel makes me hungry. Think I'll have a bacon and egg sammich for breakfast and a big juicy steak for supper.
I wonder where the hell I got the incisors and bicuspids to chew the meat? Oh, that's right, millenia of evolution of a naturally carnivorous species.
I assume you're a strictly organic vegan and don't use pesticides or insectides which kill animals, nor do you drive a car or travel in any conveyance which kills insects, birds, squirrels. No to some of that? Then I guess it's OK to kill animals of some species to whatever degree it may suit you, correct?
Kill 'em to eat 'em, kill 'em if they represent a threat to children. God (or Buddha) will make more of them.
Why not just have some snake and eggs. Shit if you're gonna kill it make sure it gets eaten.
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