Today we're taking the ferry from Newcastle, UK to Kristiansand, Norway. We'll be aboard the Princess of Scandinavia, part of the DFDS Seaways fleet. Departure is scheduled for 3:00 pm and it'll be a 19 hour journey.
Get onboard and throw my bag into my cabin. Our crew races for the bars. As everyone else boards, Mick Ridley and I pop into one of the bars for a beer. Afterwards, we go outside on deck 6 to get some air. After the ferry departs, Mck's wife and his son are waiting to wave goodbye about a half mile from the dock. Turns out that Mick lives about 10 minutes away from here.
I run into some crew folks and have an early dinner with them, then go back to my cabin for a shower. Deciding that I want to see "Hitch" (the Will Smith movie), I go to the guest services desk on deck 5 to buy a ticket. I ask about the capacity of the cinema, and I’m told there's not many tickets left, and that the bulk of them have been purchased by early-teens and pre-teens. Not wanting to suffer through that, I'm back to my cabin for a nap.
Wake up around 8:30pm and start blogging a bit. Sure wish the ship had internet access.
Bounce back and forth the rest of the evening between the band bar, where the really cheesy lounge band is playing and the "adult bar", where the folks 40 and over are enjoying conversation and and an acoustic guitar player. While I’m in there with a couple of crew dudes, three drunk-as-hell girls come and take seats with us. They're from Denmark and had taken the ferry over to Newcastle to go shopping. Now they're heading home and living large on the Love Boat. One's Korean, her name's Ki (pronounced Key), and she is w-a-s-t-e-d. All up in my face and wants to talk about American movies. Keeps begging me to go back to the other bar to go dancing. I'll pass.
Meet some biker dudes form Phoenix. They're over here riding across Europe. One of them is a big System fan, so I hook 'em up with some tickets for our show tomorrow in Oslo.
Back in the band bar and I notice it's after 1am, time for me to turn into a pumpkin. I slip out and head for my cabin, sticking my head into slot machine world on the way because it's on my deck. Three or four crew guys are in there and every one of 'em is talking shit to a pretty Scandinavian girl.
I give a couple of the guys a handful of shitters (Norweigan Kroners) and tell 'em to hit the slots – I get half if they hit.
In my jammies and in bed at 1:30.
Follow the Bobzilla's Photos link at the right to see photos of my travels.
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