Friday, June 17, 2005

Show Day in Oslo, Norway

Originally uploaded by bd58.
Wake up around 6:30, beating my alarm by an hour. After a shower, I meet up with another couple of early-rising crew guys for breakfast. I want to be awake when we go through the fjords to get a few photos. Unfortunately, it's too foggy for any good shots.

As we reach the fjords, a couple of outbound submarines pass by on our port side (that's the left for all you landlubber's).

Even through the fog, this is some of the most beautiful scenery you could ever imagine. I'm amazed that you see the occasional house in such isolated places. No access by land, no electricity, only way to get supplies is via boat. Not for me, but wow…

We dock soon after our scheduled 9:15am slot. Through immigrations and onto the buses. Most folks crawl into their bunks for more sleep on our 5 hour journey. Me, too. Get a couple of hours of naptime, which I'll pay for tonight with a bunch of tossing and turning. Either that, or it's Ambien Time! Some guys are sporting massive hangovers. Mick Ridley looks like shit and so does Brett Stec. Several crew guys got laid last night here on the "Love Boat".

Small festival tonight, only 7800 people or so. That's a sellout of course. It's a small amphitheater in a park in downtown Oslo. I get a few crowd shots from the ground and from the stage, and a few of the band while they're playing.

It's after 11pm and it's still daylight. Daylight junkies would love this place. Bus call's not until 1:30, so I've got time to upload some photos and blog entries.

Follow the Bobzilla's Photos link at the right to see photos of my travels.

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