Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Show Day in Glasgow

Rainy and cold in Glasgow today. Same old, same old. The promoter here is Donald Macleod (pronounced McCloud). I've been doing shows with him for 13 years now. He's a fucking hoot, and always takes good care of me, no matter what band I'm here with. A day off in Glasgow is a guaranteed good time – wish we had one today. Today is Donald's 44th birthday. He regales me with tales of hurling last night while celebrating. His wife is just hearing about it for the first time as he tells me, and she's less than impressed. Oops.

Today is also Shawn Shebetka's birthday. He's our Set Carpenter. That's him with the dog in my blog entry photo from May 29th. I order Shawn a birthday cake and a case of assorted local Scottish beers and ales for the celebration after the show.

After the show's down, the drinking starts. Donald produces a bottle of some shit I've never seen or heard of.

Shots are poured.

Shots are consumed.

Faces are made.

More shots are poured.

I'm not much on liquor, but he's my buddy and it's his birthday.

Wish I could remember what it's called, because I never, ever, ever want to drink that shit again. Hope my head doesn't hurt tomorrow.

I was busy when Shawn received his cake. Heard he took a big bite our of it, then did a faceplant into it. Would've loved a photo of that.

Take a drunken shower and crawl off into Bunkyland…

Follow the Bobzilla's Photos link at the right to see photos of my travels.

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