Sunday, July 26, 2009

Travel Day to Saratoga Springs, NY

We pulled out of Alpine Valley last night at 2:15am. Took until 7:30 tonight to get to our hotel in Saratoga Springs, NY. That, my friends, is what we refer to as a submarine ride. A bit over 17 hours on a bus is about 9 hours longer than I ever want to be on it.

Grabbed dinner right across the street from the hotel with the riggers, then a nightcap at the hotel bar before heading upstairs to my private pillow party.

Kinda wished I'd hung out in the bar a little longer. Crosby, Stills, & Nash are playing here in a couple of days, at the same venue we're doing tomorrow night. Some of their crew were in the bar, along with the man himself, Stephen Stills.

Ed Jarman, a lovely, charming Englishman (who is our Video Crew Chief) was there, and when Bash (our drum tech) introduced Ed to Stephen Stills, Ed said to him, "Ahright then, whattayou do, you a truck driva?"

I would have fallen down laughing if I had been standing there. God help him, Ed had no idea who Stephen Stills was. I heard that Stills actually slapped his forehead and said, "You really don't know who I am, do you?"

Seriously folks, you can't make this shit up…

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