Saturday, July 25, 2009

Show Day at Alpine Valley

Marguerite being adorable on the bus last night:That's rigger Chuck's t-shirt she's foolin' with.

Today's show is at Alpine Valley Amphitheatre in East Troy, Wisconsin. On August 27, 1990, mere seconds after taking off, the helicopter carrying Stevie Ray Vaughan crashed about ¼ mile from the backstage area. The crash site was just on the other side of the hill you see in the photos below.

A closer view:

I get bummed out every time I come to this place. Rest in peace, Stevie...


  1. How were you able to get a close picture of the area? Is there a mark on the spot on these photos?

  2. I'm told there's a plaque marking the spot of the helicopter crash site, but I've never walked over the hill to see it.


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