Monday, October 23, 2006

Show Day in Providence

Today is the last day of the Verizon Wireless sponsored college campus tour. We're at Providence State College and have a huge production office today. I'm loving it. It's a million miles from the stage and has plenty of room for everyone and everything. The show is in the college's Rec Fieldhouse, which has five (5!!!!!) basketball courts side-by-side inside. We're only using the space of about 3 of those for the stage and audience area, so the "backstage" space is huge. Much basketball is played throughout the day by various band and crew folks.

After the show, we're driving 88 miles to Hartford, CT. We have an 8am load in tomorrow to start 3 days of production rehearsals for the "real" tour. The drive is too short to go to sleep on, so I struggle to stay awake.

Finally get into my room and hit the bed around 3:15am. That 7:15 bus call time is gonna suck.

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