Sunday, October 22, 2006

Show Day in Framingham

Today's show is in Framingham, home of Framingham State College. Our show was originally going to be outside, but the weather forecast called for it to be too cold, so we're using the Framingham Town Hall. This building is totally NOT set up to put on a show. No rigging points, tiny stage. If fact, the stage is completely unusable. Which means we make a phone call and have staging brought in, pronto. The new stage gets built directly in front of the house one, which cuts the usable floor space by about a third.

For a production office, all 5 of us are jammed into an office shared by 3 desks and a LOT of clutter. The building guy starts freaking out when I roll in our 4 production cases and start setting stuff up. He can't fathom the idea that we carry our entire office on the road and both set it up and tear it down every day.

Me? I can't fathom the idea of going to work at the same place every day.

The show goes off without a hitch…

Because it was such an early show, finishing at 6:30, load-out done by 8:30, we ran by the driver hotel so a couple of people could shower, then we all went…

Yep, we went bowling. Not everyone participated (pronounced "Bob didn't bowl"), but a good time was had by all. I was drinking beer and hanging out with some other non-bowlers. Decided to grab my camera off the bus to snap a few shots:

Singer Tyson after a good roll:

That's the drum tech, "Captain" to the left in the photo.

Drummer Chris and Damone's singer Nicole:

Audio Pimp Patrick with Damone tour manager Misty:

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