Saturday, March 18, 2006

Show Day in Little Rock

Little Rock, home of Sweet Sweet Connie. If you don't know who I'm talking about, download a copy of Grand Funk's "We're An American Band." I haven't seen her since '96, but she's still around.

It's the 8th show of the tour, and today's the first time I've seen any veggie burgers in catering at lunchtime. Happy Happy Joy Joy! It really only takes a few simple things to make me happy. The food and catering staff here are great. Dinner's good, too.

We decide on Thai food for the buses after the show tonight. I normally don't eat aftershow food, but I order some Pad Thai anyway. I'll throw it in the fridge on the bus and it'll be my lunch tomorrow in my hotel room, while I'm watching the race.

I apologize for all the boring entries in my blog lately. This is not exactly the most fun tour I've ever been on. And on days off I've been laying low.

I'll see if I can spice it up at some point. Be sure to keep bail money and the address of the nearest Western Union office handy in case I call you in the middle of the night.

And remember, I'll only get one phone call…

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