Our hotel today is the Embassy Suites, overlooking Centennial Park in downtown Atlanta. Cenn Park is where the bomb went off during the 1996 Olympics.
The CNN Center is a block down the street. I wandered around in there for about an hour. You can take a tour of the CNN studios, but I don't really feel like doing it. There's a bunch of stuff nearby, and there's a Ruth's Chris Steak House in the hotel.
The race never gets going today due to the rain here in Hotlanta. Instead, I watch Carolina lose in the second round of NCAA play. I'm kinda surprised they made it this far considering how many great players they lost last year. To make the day even worse (basketball-wise, that is – personally, I'm having a great day), NC State falls to Texas.
I call up Big Bob, our venue security guy. I owe him a meal, and I suggest Ruth's Chris. I've never eaten there before. Pretty damn good meal.
After dinner, it’s back to the room. Gotta catch the Sopranos. Do some reading and wind up in bed around midnight…
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