Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Yet Another Rehearsal Day in Long Beach

Hotel Room View
Originally uploaded by bd58.
Oh, yeah, here's the view out my hotel window this week...

Up again around 7, shower and off to Starbucks to read USA Today and feed the sparrows. Seems that every Starbucks has a local crew of hungry birds. They know where the good eats are…

Stuck in production most of the day. The band does a full dress rehearsal of the show. They're playing a bunch of new songs that I haven't heard before.

I finally make it back to the hotel around 11:30pm. Once again, everyone's too tired to do anything. I crawl into bed to read myself to sleep again. I'm reading "Tuesdays With Morrie" by Mitch Albom. My buddy Chris Sheridan gave it to me for a birthday present 2 weeks ago. It's a great book, so good that I'm only reading about 10-12 pages per night so I can enjoy it longer.

BD – out…

Follow the Bobzilla's Photos link at the right to see photos from my travels.

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