Finally, the first show of the tour…
As before, I'm up early and off to Starbucks to start the day. The weather here in Long Beach is pretty awesome. Highs have been in the low 80's, and when I'm at 'Bucks early in the day, it just couldn't be nicer. Sip my drink, give plenty of scone crumbs to my little friends. Walk to the venue just before 10am to start my day.
Make an Office Max and Wal-Mart run with one of the runners to get some more STUFF. Can't do my gig without the right STUFF. I never used to get excited about new calculators and shit. What a nerd!
About mid-afternoon I take a walk across Ocean Boulevard to go take a look at the Queen Mary. It's a beautiful day, and it takes me about 20 minutes to get to where I took the photo above.
Backstage before the show, there must be about 300,000 of L.A.'s finest posers and losers. Man, I hate doing shows here. Everybody thinks they're the most important motherfucker on the planet. Everyone needs a parking pass for their Hummer, their Beamer, their whatever. I need more passes for my entourage, blah, blah, blah…
Fuck 'em all! Can't wait to get out of the band's hometown area and away from all the self-important folks
Whew! Got that out of my system. Did I sound bitter?
I'm soooo glad I stopped being a tour manager – Mike's completely swamped today with crazy stuff. He's such a pro, though, that everything's going smoothly for him.
Show goes well. Just under 13,000 in attendance. Have the celebratory beer and shot in the production office afterwards, then I walk back to the hotel. In bed reading by about 12:30. Snnnnzzzzzzz….
Follow the Bobzilla's Photos link at the right to see photos from my travels.
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