Monday, August 1, 2005

Travel Day, Part II

This morning's Arizona Republic informs me that today is National Girlfriend's Day. Where the hell does Hallmark come up with this stuff? Also upcoming:

Sister's Day – Aug. 7
Best Friend's Day – Aug. 15
Be An Angel Day – Aug. 22
Psychic Week – Aug. 1-5 (buy hey, you knew that…)
National Fresh Breath Day AND National Mustard Day – Aug. 6
National Garage Sale Day AND National Underwear Day – Aug. 13
Vinyl Records Day – Aug. 12 (???)

And this one's just for you, Paige:

International Nagging Day – Aug. 14

Again, where's this shit coming from?

Other gems from today's paper:

Thought For Today:
"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." – Confucius

Today's Chuckle:
A realist is someone who looks both ways before crossing a one-way street. A pessimist looks up as well.

Yada, yada, yada…

Today's the first day of rehearsals for our arena tour. The band's not coming today, so it's pretty much just setup and tech rehearsals.

David Coyle and I land at LAX around noon, the runner meets us, and we're off to Long Beach. Run by the hotel to check in, toss bags into the room, and head to the venue. It's an important day for me – I've got to get my blog back up to speed. HA!

We've finally gotten a production assistant, Janet Taylor. She fucking just rocks! I've been doing all sorts of stupid shit over the past few years that I never should have had to deal with. She'll be taking over a lot of that crap, so now I can just concentrate on my job. Yeah, yeah, and my blog…

Not much else to report today. See ya tomorrow!

Follow the Bobzilla's Photos link at the right to see photos from my travels.

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