Sunday, July 31, 2005

Travel Day to Long Beach

Ouch! My head hurts…

Went to dinner last night with Foy & Terry Beal and Chris Sheridan. It was a beautiful evening, temps in the low 80's with low humidity. We dined on the deck at the Carolina Ale House, one of my favorite places these days. If you've been reading this blog very long, you're no doubt aware of my fixation with Boddington's Pub Ale, from Manchester, UK. Well, this restaurant carries it, which means that even if their food sucked (which it doesn't), they'd get a 3-star rating just for beer selection.

Slapped back a few rounds with dinner, then it's off to Northside Billiards, scene of the big birthday blowout a couple of Saturday night's ago. Chris turned 42 on the 22nd, I turned 47 on the 23rd, so we threw a party for ourselves on the 23rd. Northside is a little hole-in-the-wall place I've been frequenting for years now. It's what I call an "Old Man Bar". Three pool tables, the best jukebox in Raleigh, great owners, down-to-earth patrons, and Budweiser in the can for only $2.25. What's not to like? I can have a big night here and not break the bank.

We only stayed for one quick round and a few laps of tonight's NASCAR Busch race. Chris wants to go see our buddy Bert's band (Crush) playing at Crowleys' big parking lot party. Get to Crowley's around 10:30 and both the bar and the parking lot are slammed. I hate going to places this crowded. It takes over 20 minutes to get beer. I can't take it – gotta get away from here. Back to Northside to end the evening with far too many beers…

So anyway, today I've got a 5pm flight to Long Beach. Flying first class from Raleigh to Phoenix, then I'm in economy (smaller plane) for the hour and twenty minute flight to Long Beach. I get to the gate in Phoenix for the second flight and meet up with David Coyle, one of our audio techs. After boarding, we sit there for well over an hour waiting for an "indicator" of some sort to get fixed. No haps. We deboard back into the terminal and wait for a new plane to come.

Two hours later they finally announce that no plane is forthcoming. Those who only have carry on luggage can go jump on a flight going to O.C. (that's Orange County for those of you that don't get out much) and will then be bused down to Long Beach. Those of us who checked bags (yep, me and Dave) will have to go outside security to the main ticket counter and be reticketed for a flight tomorrow. Oh, well…

Seven-thirty am? Are they nuts? No way I'm getting up in time to be on THAT flight. Me and Dave talk it over and decide to take the 10:20 instead. Only problem is that the 10:20 goes to LAX, not Long Beach. I don't give a crap, they can send the runner to pick us up. I want a decent night's sleep and don't feel like getting up at 5am.

No food vouchers forthcoming from the airline. Get our vouchers for the Hilton, grab a shuttle, check in, toss bags into our rooms, and head to the bar. Some chow, some drinks, and it's off to bedsville…

Follow the Bobzilla's Photos link at the right to see photos from my travels.

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