The Koln airport was off the hook! It wasn't an airport with shops, it was a mall with planes. Every store and shop in the place was open when we got there at 6:15am. Never in my life have I seen a full-service grocery store in an airport. WTF? "Honey, on your way back from Berlin, could you pick up a liter of milk?" lol… Seriously, who shops for groceries at the airport???
AND…they had a sex toy shop there, too. Dildo, anyone?
German folks have no shame in their game when it comes to sex. Plenty of sex shops, prostitution and whatnot all over the country. They are probably more sex-obsessed than any other country I've toured in. You can even get Travel Pussy in the men's room at the airport, whatever the hell that is, lol…
On the ground in London, and off to the hotel for a bit, then over to the venue to load in for tomorrow's show, which is a free show to the public. More details on that in tomorrow's post.
Set up offices, dressing rooms, etc., then back to the hotel. Met up with Molly in the lobby, then we met up with some folks in one of the hotel bars. We walked in at like 10:02 and they wouldn't serve us food, even though they'd just taken orders from the other 4 people at our table 5 minutes ago. I slapped back a beer and left to go across the street to Marks & Spencer to get a sandwich and a packet of crisps, which I brought back to the bar and proceeded to share with Molly while the others ate their dinners. Beers, beers, and more beers later, up to my room to get a good night of sleep. That 40 minutes from last night was brutal…
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