Thursday, August 20, 2009

Travel Day to Stockholm

Another crazy, all-day drive to the next city. Today's a 16-plus hour drive to Stockholm. This one's worth it though, because when you're done, you're in…Stockholm!

I had my own personal movie festival on the bus today, courtesy of my 17" MacBookPro and some killer Etymotic Research earphones. I watched:

Terminator Salvation
Because I Said So (with Mandy Moore)
License To Wed (yep, more Mandy Moore)
Across The Universe

Watching all those made the day just fly by. And yes, I'm obsessed with Mandy Moore. Have been, ever since I met her back in 2000. She was only 15 at the time, and she was totally cool and nice and dorky (in a good way). Got to hang out with her for a while at a show where she was on the bill along with the band I was tour managing that year. She was so sweet and I became a fan for life.

A couple of shots from one of the stops we made...

A shop/restaurant with a natural roof.

The lake it was located next to.

At one point we drove through a tiny little town that had this river running through it.

View out the bus window late afternoon.

This building was on the fringe of Stockholm (if my memory serves me well...).

Made it to our hotel in central Stockholm around 8:30. Checked email, had a shower, and then hit the Skybar on the 9th floor – ever so conveniently, I was in room 934, three doors away.

Had a few beers and called it a night…

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