Copenhagen Airport terminal:
Once there, we were off again on a flight to Billund, Denmark. And we made it there, in about 35 minutes of flying time. Problem was, our luggage didn’t. Don't know what it is about Copenhagen, but it's always the black hole of luggage.
I flew there in 2004 to start a European tour with Metallica and it took 3 freakin' days for me to get my luggage. Ever since that flight, I've always flown with a backpack to make sure I have a few days worth of clothing and toiletries with me, no matter what. Which came in very handy today.
Took almost an hour to get to our hotel in Silkeborg by way of the show runner who picked us up in a van. All in all, 19 hours door-to-door, Miami hotel to Silkeborg hotel.
Bad news for me – this hotel has NO air-conditioning. None, nada, zilch. Gonna be a long week, laying in a pool of sweat every night. Nothing I can do is gonna change it.
So I threw the window wide open and went to the bar, because...

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