Sunday, August 30, 2009

Production Day in Udine, Italy

After loading in and setting up my office, I worked for a couple of hours, then bailed with some other folks to go back to the hotel. We're staying at the lovely Hotel Friuli, a few blocks from the center of Udine. We were all kind of puzzled as we were pulling up, because it looked more like a gas station with a hotel than a hotel with a gas station in front of it.

This is Ed Jarman (our video engineer) hanging out of his top floor window. He shouted down that this was one of the finest petrol stations he's ever stayed in.

Upstairs for a shower, and then a few of us met in the lobby to head out for dinner - Eric & Mick (merch guys), Jackie (security) and me. We walked around the city center for about an hour checking out some local sites.

Finally decided on a restaurant that we all thought looked pretty good. This was my dinner, a mushroom pizza:

Dessert was Tiramisu and a shot of Limoncello. This was by far the very best Tiramisu I've ever had.

Back to the hotel after dinner, where I joined a few other folks in the lobby bar for a few rounds…

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