Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Production Day in Herning, Denmark

The gig is about 30 minutes away from the hotel. I was gonna jump in one of the two 10am shuttles, per instructions from our production assistant, but there wasn't enough room for the number of people who had to go over. All the other guys were essential to the work being done today, whereas I wasn't, so I bailed out and had to wait for a later vehicle.

While I was waiting, I took a 45-minute walk around the neighborhood. Not much here, but the houses were pretty cool.

Once I got to the gig (around noon), I walked out front and took a photo of our massive stage, still under construction:

It's massive. 140-feet wide, and I don't know how tall. On the way back to my office, I came across this truck, one of 37 that we have on the tour:

Spent the rest of the day and evening setting up my office and getting some work done. Back to the hotel by about 11pm…

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