Saturday, June 6, 2009

Show Day in Nashville

The show tonight completed the only three-shows-in-a-row run we have during the tour. I'm glad to have it out of the way.

It was also the first indoor show. We've been doing all outdoor shows until today. I'd rather do buildings, myself. The office rooms and bathrooms are better.

I was standing just outside my office door about 8pm tonight, and looked up to see Faith Hill walking down the hallway (en route to the band's guest suite/friends & family room). She looked right at me, and SMILED REAL BIG. I smiled back, she said "Hi." I melted into the floor. She is one fine looking woman. She had a few other folks with her, including her husband, Tim McGraw. Dang…

Roadie friends Angela and Jessica came out to visit tonight. They both live here in Nashvegas. My buddy Lance (from Tour Supply) and his lovely (and very pregnant) wife Tara also came to the show and to hang out.

We've got the next two days off in New Orleans. A bunch of people are talking about taking a swamp tour, in a boat of course. Not sure I'm interested in that. I've seen plenty of critters in my life. Besides, if I see a snake, I'm likely to beat that sucker to death…

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, right, the only thing between Bobzilla and Faith Hill is Tim McGraw. Dream on.

    I'd skip the boat. There are enough critters in New Orleans itself to last you a lifetime of frailing with a stick.



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