Got to the hotel at 4am this morning from the gig in Hershey. After hauling my stuff up to the room, I was wide awake for a bit. Finally went to bed about 5:45am.
Got up around 9, but had a helluva time getting out of bed. I really needed more sleep, but I have too much on the brain to sleep any longer. Maybe tonight…
Around 10:30, I went down to the hotel gym on the fifth floor to get my run in. We're at the Loew's Hotel on Market Street in downtown Philly and they have a huge gym, with attendents and lots of equipment. It's far superior to most hotel workout rooms.
I managed to run 2.5 miles and walked a couple more. I'm pretty happy insofar as my day-off runs. We've had four days off since the tour started and I've run on all four of them. The 2.5 miles today was also my longest run since January! Maybe I'll finally get my groove back after all.
Walked over to the local Wawa for a sandwich for lunch, and pretty much hung out in my room all day. Got a phone call about dinner club (my group of regular "day off diners" – me, Julie, Marguerite, Tiffany, and Chuck), but I had to pass. I've got to knock out a budget for one of the upcoming tour legs. Grabbed a quick bite sitting at the bar at Maggiano's across the street and was back in my room working by 8pm.
Hit the pillow around 11pm…
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