Monday, April 20, 2009

Pastry Competition

Today was Wake Tech's Annual Pastry Show & Competition, part of the school's Baking and Pastry Arts curriculum. My friend and former neighbor (who also found my house for me) Charlene had several entries and won an assortment of ribbons for her handiwork. If you're in the market for cakes or pastries for any occasion, drop me a line at and I'll put you in touch with her. Her work is amazing.

Hard to believe, but this piece is made out of BREAD. Wild! This one got her a third-place ribbon.

A better shot with more detail. Seriously, click on this photo and check it out.

Charlene with another ribbon winner of hers.

As you can see, it's a cake with a scene of a baker making cakes. Too funny. It even has a Charlene Mini-me as the baker.

This one wasn't Charlene's, but it has a (Dr. Seuss) Whoville theme, so I liked it.

Last year, for my 50th birthday party, Charlene made a cake version of one of my pinball machines.

It even had a Mini-me, holding a Bud can.

After a couple of hours at the show, Paige and I went and sat outside at The Raleigh Times and had a nice dinner...

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