Thursday, April 2, 2009

Not A Pretty Day...

Went out with my friend Laura last night to see a friend of hers who plays in a Bluegrass band. They were playing at Horniblow's Tavern, the retail bar for the Big Boss Brewery, which is located about a half-mile from my house. Never had dinner and the Belgium Blonde I was drinking was over 7% alcohol. Kicked my ass! I'm talking sleeping until the afternoon, then crawling to the couch and feeling like hell the rest of the day.

Watershed, from Columbus, OH, one of my favorite bands ever, was playing tonight at Slim's and I felt too lousy to go see them. I'm pissed at myself. No more high-alcohol brews for me…


  1. Try 8 or 9 pints of it and see if it doesn't kick yer butt!

  2. Some fried cat can help build up your tolerance level. Zaterin's blackened seafood rub gives fillet of feline some real sizzle.


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