Here's the backside of the one I posted back on March 20th:
And here's what it looks like from the street side:
I love the seating area up on the roof, accessible via the way-cool spiral staircase and by what I think is an elevator in the rooftop structure. Click on the photo to enlarge it and let me know if you agree.
This next house, I couldn't get a good shot of from the greenway due to the thickness of the foliage. I had no clue whatsoever that it would be as cool as this:
I was gonna watch the NCAA Championship game tonight at home on my own big ol' TV, but my friend Lisa called and asked if I wanted to meet her at High Park (the sports bar a block from my house) and watch it there with her. OK, I can't say no to a pretty girl, so that's what I did. That is, right after I set my DVR to record the game. You know, in case I got distracted for whatever reason.
When I got there, about 45 minutes before game time, pretty much all the tables were taken, but there were 2 primo stools available at the bar, with plenty of bigscreen action over and behind the bar.
There was a guy 2 seats over to my left (with his date sitting between us), who was a-hootin' and a-hollering like crazy as soon as the game started. I nearly fell off my damn stool laughing when I looked over at him. This clown was wearing a button-down collar, Carolina blue dress shirt and a bowtie. OK, in and of itself, nothing to alert the Fashion Police about (admission – I’m a total slob, myself). But he also had on seersucker shorts. I've never seen seersucker short pants in my life. Seersucker is a weird enough fabric to begin with, but shorts? WTF? To put his outfit totally over-the-top (from the bottom), he also had on a pair of 99-cent drugstore flip-flops.
To recap, dress shirt, bowtie, seersucker shorts, flip-flops. You'd have been laughing, too, right? Or maybe I was just being mean…
Anyway, Carolina won by a wide margin and a good time was had by all.
OK, except for maybe the four Michigan State Fans who were there…
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