Monday, May 28, 2007

Show Day in Glasgow

Wide awake on the bus at 5:30 this morning. I was the only person still on it – everyone else had gone into their rooms when we arrived around 2:30am. If I have to wake up, grab my stuff, and go to a hot stuffy room, there's no way I'll go back to sleep, so I just stayed in my bunk. The hotel and the venue are right next to each other, which is great.

Today's show is at the Clyde Auditorium, which is also known as The Armadillo. Here's why:

Click to enlarge.

Backside of the Armadillo, from high up in the hotel:
Click to enlarge.

The front of the Armadillo:
Click to enlarge.

It sits right next to the River Clyde, which looks pretty cool:
Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

TOILET PAPER UPDATE: As you might imagine, the Scots are a bit stingy with their paper. Kinda reminded me of paper towels, and the little squares are noticeably smaller than American paper. Gotta give these folks a 2, and I think that's being generous.

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