Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Show Day in Frankfurt

Woke up at the venue. Won't be seeing any of Frankfurt this time around.

After the show, we headed to the hotel. We'll be flying to Birmingham, UK tomorrow to enjoy a couple of days off. Not many overnights on the bus on this run, at least not for the band party, which is who I travel with. The crew are on their buses almost everywhere. Me, I'd rather fly.

Anyway, tonight we're staying at the Villa Kennedy, perhaps the finest hotel I've ever been in. Amazing rooms, amazing architecture, amazing everything. One of band guys told me it cost $70 million dollars to build. Opened in 2006.

When we got back to the hotel, Wally finally admitted that today is his birthday. Sneaky fucker. Off to the hotel bar to celebrate. Yeah, like we needed an excuse, right?

Beers were hella expensive, around $13 usd for drafts. At least they were good, being local German-brewed drafts.

There was a jazz pianist in the bar, along with a vocalist. Did a brilliant version of Louis Armstrong's "What A Wonderful World". When they finished around midnight, our drummer Craig asked if he could play a song and the pianist graciously let him. Craig's wife Heather is traveling with us for a few days, so she got up and sang 3 or 4 songs while Craig played. They were terrific. Did a couple of songs that Heather had written, and also covered an old Gram Parsons song.

When they were done, Mike Klvana (our ProTools guy) went to the piano and pretty much tore the place down. The dude can play!!!

TOILET PAPER UPDATE: The toilet paper at the gig was like sandpaper glued onto cardboard. Not pleasant. The stuff here at the hotel is cotton-soft…

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