Up stupid early because I couldn't sleep. Don't mind the extra time because Paige is picking me up at 8:30 for the drive to the airport and I'm still trying to finish a bunch of stuff around the house.
I'll only be gone for 4 weeks on this run, then return home for a few weeks off before going to Europe.
Flight to NY-LaGuardia was smooth. My driver was waiting at baggage claim holding a sign with my name on it. He said he'd have me at the hotel in time to watch the State-Carolina game at 1.
Watched the game in my room, then Dennis called and I had to jump in a cab and go to the Ritz-Carlton at Central Park South to meet with him for a few hours. Met Josh, Josh's manager, and a few other folks. Afterwards, went to dinner with Dennis and a few other folks, including Pari Ghorbani, a Warner Brothers person who used to work at Mammoth Records back in the 90's when I tour managed the Squirrel Nut Zippers.
Back in the room by 10:30. Big first day tomorrow…
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