Monday, December 4, 2006

Show Day in San Jose

My driver Steve lives and dies by his GPS unit. Today all he had for a venue address is Seventh and San Carlos, which means he couldn't find the gig for shit. He woke me up making tons of turns and turnarounds while trying to find it.

For some reason, I'm in a pissy mood all day. Trying to get through some hotel settlements today and every last person I speak to is a fucking idiot. I guess it's just one of those days.

Here's a shot of our stage in the empty arena:

And a closer shot of our stage:

And here's a couple of worn-out roadies (Brad Stonner near, Patrick Murphy far), grabbing a nap on the "B"stage, which is located at the FOH mix position.

I got booted out of the office for about an hour today so the lighting crew could have a meeting with the production manager. We're shooting DVD footage at one of our upcoming shows, so they've got a lot of technical details to iron out. I went to the bus to take a nap since I couldn't do any work.

After the show, Molly had a bunch of her friends hanging out in the office, drinking and socializing. Normally, I'd have booted the lot of them out as I find it very distracting when I’m trying to work. But for some reason, I decided that I would split instead. I threw my stuff on the bus and then went and walked around downtown San Jose for an hour.

Eventually found a great dive bar call Cinebar. I was still pretty steamed about all the fuckers in production all day long, so I grabbed a seat at the bar and got a Bud. My kind of place. Dark, dingy, rock music, cheap beer.

I've got a new favorite bar in San Jose. Go figure.

I loved their t-shirts. They say:

"I'm at the Cinebar, BITCH!"

Got back to the bus just in time for bus call. Long drive to Seattle tonight…

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