The venue du jour is Assembly Hall at the University of Illinois. One more show after this one…
I screwed up and shipped the "Accountant Of The Year" trophy home today before I took a picture of it, so you'll have to wait until I get home to see it.
Somebody (probably Tyson, our singer) got the bright idea to send out for a Tiki Bar to set up onstage tonight. Like, during the opening bands' sets (but not the first band, who are being punished tonight). So it gets put up during the first and second bands, and all of our band and crew wind up onstage hanging out at the bar and drinking. And I mean it's on the stage, among the bandmembers who are playing at the time. Funny as hell. Here's a few shots:
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more updates please!!! how was the rest of the tour? where are you going next?