Friday, December 8, 2006

Day Off On The Big Long Highway

Didn't have to get off the bus last night coming back into the U.S., but I had to wake everyone up (me and Brent were the only ones still up when we got to the border) and have them sit in the front lounge so the U.S. Immigrations officer could get up on the bus and match passport photos up with the people on the bus.

Everyone went back to bed, and I sat up a little longer with Brent, finally hitting the hay around 3:30.

Woke up at 9am and assumed my position up front, hanging out with the driver. We finally got to our hotel in Salt Lake City just past 6pm. Nice little 1000-mile drive. Steve was hammer down the whole way except for one fuel break and 2 pee breaks for himself.

After we checked in, I grabbed a shower, then went out to get a sandwich to bring back to the room for dinner. A little TV, then off to snoozy world around 11:30.

Oh, yeah, flying home 2 weeks from today…

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