Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Show Day in Storrs, CT

Woke up around 6:30. Load-in isn't until 8, so I just kinda hang out on the bus. No sense going balls-out on the first day, right?

Our first show is in Storrs, CT, on the campus of UConn. For Duke basketball fans, this is enemy territory.

Turned into a long, slow, grinding day. Not too bad for the opening day of a tour, just steady on.

Before I knew it, it was well after midnight, and I was thinking 'bout getting in my bunk. We're not leaving until 6am, because tomorrow's a day off and it's only a 130-mile drive. Plus, we didn't buy the rooms tonight, so we won't be able to get into them tomorrow unless either a)the hotel was well short of a sellout, or b)everyone in it tonight checks out early tomorrow morning.

I'm in bunkyland just before 2am…

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