Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Show Day in Philadelphia

Feel a bit better today. I actually slept about 7 hours last night, a rare luxury. Lay around the room all morning, shower, then head down around noon to handle the check out.

Bus call is 1pm, and we head over to the King of Prussia Mall, not far from the gig. One of the girls at Villanova last night told me it's the second largest mall in the U.S. I've been there before (BBMak tour, 2000), but don't really remember much about it.

On the way over, everyone gets told about what happened to Damone this morning. They're the opening act on the tour, and really the only support band that we all like. They're nice kids and their music rocks. Anyway, between 9 and 10am this morning, their van and trailer were stolen from their hotel parking lot. Everything they had with them, except for what they had inside the hotel, is gone. That sucks! They won't be on the show tonight, but they hope to scrape together enough equipment to play tomorrow.

It's raining like a bitch when we pull up to the mall. Everyone goes in, even the drivers. A bunch of us wind up in the food court for lunch. Afterwards, I head back out to the bus – gotta work on the budget for the upcoming arena run.

Arrive at the venue at 6pm. Hang out in production all night working, except for dinner. Catering sucks again tonight, so I have a PB & J on the bus.

Don't watch the show tonight. Too busy.

Out to the bus around 1am…

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