Saturday, September 2, 2006

Day Off at Home

Gonna be a good day. I get to see Terry Anderson and the Olympic Ass-Kicking Team not once, but twice today. Hoorah!

Foy & Terry Beal come over around 3pm to enjoy a few adult beverages on the front porch with me before heading downtown.

The OAKTeam's playing one of those big, dumb Bud Light/Downtown Live events in Moore Square. I'm glad they're on early (4:30-ish) because later on there's gonna be 5-10 thousand dumb, drunk assholes here to see whoever's headlining. Get in, get out, get on with your bad self somewhere other than here, that's what I say.

Meet a cool chick from Durham named Kathy, who came over alone to see the show. Smart girl, got herself a room at the Sheraton 2 blocks away so she could have some fun (adult beverages) and not have to drive home.

So the Beals and I adopt her for the night.

After OAKTeam, we watch most of Hobex before wandering down the street to grab a little Mexican food for dinner.

Wound up out at Northside, Kathy still in tow. Had a few beers there, then head back into downtown to Slim's for the next OAKTeam show.

'Twas quite a late night of drinking and merryment.

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