My favorite joke this week:
Q. What does 80 year-old pussy taste like?
A. Depends.
Yeah, I know.
But classless...
Bob is on the road again...
Bobbortunity [bob-er-TOO-ni-tee] -noun, plural -ties
1. Favorable juncture of circumstances that allows one to be in the presence of Bob.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Day Off at Home
Terry came back today to finish the front porch job. He's not only the best songwriter around, but the best painter, too.
Stayed home and made dinner again tonight. Vegged out in front of the TV.
Happy Birthday, Angela Jackson, wherever you are!
Stayed home and made dinner again tonight. Vegged out in front of the TV.
Happy Birthday, Angela Jackson, wherever you are!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Day Off at Home
My buddy Terry came over to paint my front porch. He also sealed the tongue & groove planking I had installed when the repairs were made. He'll be back tomorrow to finish the job.
Went to the Rockford for dinner with Paige, Jeff & Kim.
Went to the Rockford for dinner with Paige, Jeff & Kim.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Day Off at Home
Going down to Charlotte today to visit my Mom. Pick Greg up from his house around 9am and hit the highway.
Drop him at the Verizon Amphitheatre north of the city, then head to Mom's.
I spent the afternoon with her before heading home, kinda bummed out.
Went to Mitch's and got shitfaced…
Drop him at the Verizon Amphitheatre north of the city, then head to Mom's.
I spent the afternoon with her before heading home, kinda bummed out.
Went to Mitch's and got shitfaced…
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Day Off at Home
Drive over to Durham this morning to pick up Greg Howard, guitar tech extraordinaire. He's on tour with Aerosmith right now. They played Jones Beach out on Long Island last night and will be passing through on the way to their next gig, in Charlotte. Today's an off day for them, so I pick him up after the bus drops him off and drive him to his house here in Raleigh. He's gonna chill with his wife, then ride to Charlotte with me tomorrow.
Tonight I made dinner for the first time in my house. Bought it in January, moved into it in May, and tonight is the 32nd night I've spent here. Been going out or ordering in the whole time. Until now.
After dinner, it hits me how much I enjoy just staying home and cooking for myself. It's just that my damn social life demands my attention. Who would I be to deprive the world of the pleasure of enjoying my company?
Tonight I made dinner for the first time in my house. Bought it in January, moved into it in May, and tonight is the 32nd night I've spent here. Been going out or ordering in the whole time. Until now.
After dinner, it hits me how much I enjoy just staying home and cooking for myself. It's just that my damn social life demands my attention. Who would I be to deprive the world of the pleasure of enjoying my company?
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Day Off at Home
My bus driver buddy Joel is in town today. He's out driving some opening act on the Rascal Flatts tour. I run out to Walnut Creek around 1pm to pick him up. Take a quick look at the stage – Holy Shit! Twelve or thirteen trucks worth of gear up on deck. Waaay too much stupid shit. Oh, well, country sells.
Tonight, me and a bunch of friends are going to see the Carolina Rollergirls. They're the local roller derby team.
Folks start gathering at my house around 4pm. Hot sun, cold beers. Meet up with everyone else over at Dorton Arena before gametime.
Wow! It was awesome. Afterwards, about 10 of us went and sat outside at The Raleigh Times for dinner and drinks. After dinner, everybody else split, leaving just me, Terry, and Carina to go to the Rollergirls after-party at King's, a nearby shithole of a bar. Waaay too loud in there, so we only stay for a beer and some conversation with a Rollergirl. Terry gets his picture taken with her, then we split for some bar hopping.
We hit Slim's, the PourHouse, Tir Na Nog, and finally The Capital Room. Carina splits for Durham, then me & Terry wind up on my deck back at the house. We crank up the Rolling Stones and get stupid. He decides that the best way to sober up after all those Jaegermeister shots is by switching back to Guinness. He was gonna crash on my couch, but around a quarter to 4, he decides to head home to Bunn.
Tonight, me and a bunch of friends are going to see the Carolina Rollergirls. They're the local roller derby team.
Folks start gathering at my house around 4pm. Hot sun, cold beers. Meet up with everyone else over at Dorton Arena before gametime.
Wow! It was awesome. Afterwards, about 10 of us went and sat outside at The Raleigh Times for dinner and drinks. After dinner, everybody else split, leaving just me, Terry, and Carina to go to the Rollergirls after-party at King's, a nearby shithole of a bar. Waaay too loud in there, so we only stay for a beer and some conversation with a Rollergirl. Terry gets his picture taken with her, then we split for some bar hopping.
We hit Slim's, the PourHouse, Tir Na Nog, and finally The Capital Room. Carina splits for Durham, then me & Terry wind up on my deck back at the house. We crank up the Rolling Stones and get stupid. He decides that the best way to sober up after all those Jaegermeister shots is by switching back to Guinness. He was gonna crash on my couch, but around a quarter to 4, he decides to head home to Bunn.
Saturday, September 2, 2006
Day Off at Home
Gonna be a good day. I get to see Terry Anderson and the Olympic Ass-Kicking Team not once, but twice today. Hoorah!
Foy & Terry Beal come over around 3pm to enjoy a few adult beverages on the front porch with me before heading downtown.
The OAKTeam's playing one of those big, dumb Bud Light/Downtown Live events in Moore Square. I'm glad they're on early (4:30-ish) because later on there's gonna be 5-10 thousand dumb, drunk assholes here to see whoever's headlining. Get in, get out, get on with your bad self somewhere other than here, that's what I say.
Meet a cool chick from Durham named Kathy, who came over alone to see the show. Smart girl, got herself a room at the Sheraton 2 blocks away so she could have some fun (adult beverages) and not have to drive home.
So the Beals and I adopt her for the night.
After OAKTeam, we watch most of Hobex before wandering down the street to grab a little Mexican food for dinner.
Wound up out at Northside, Kathy still in tow. Had a few beers there, then head back into downtown to Slim's for the next OAKTeam show.
'Twas quite a late night of drinking and merryment.
Foy & Terry Beal come over around 3pm to enjoy a few adult beverages on the front porch with me before heading downtown.
The OAKTeam's playing one of those big, dumb Bud Light/Downtown Live events in Moore Square. I'm glad they're on early (4:30-ish) because later on there's gonna be 5-10 thousand dumb, drunk assholes here to see whoever's headlining. Get in, get out, get on with your bad self somewhere other than here, that's what I say.
Meet a cool chick from Durham named Kathy, who came over alone to see the show. Smart girl, got herself a room at the Sheraton 2 blocks away so she could have some fun (adult beverages) and not have to drive home.
So the Beals and I adopt her for the night.
After OAKTeam, we watch most of Hobex before wandering down the street to grab a little Mexican food for dinner.
Wound up out at Northside, Kathy still in tow. Had a few beers there, then head back into downtown to Slim's for the next OAKTeam show.
'Twas quite a late night of drinking and merryment.