There's usually nothing to write about on game day – that's why I usually just skip over them. Today would have been the same, except the bus AC crapped out during the afternoon today. Things like this are usually easy enough for the driver to sort out, but when Danny got back tonight around 11, he told me this repair would require a part. Not really a big deal, as most buses have 2 separate AC systems – one that runs off of the generator, and one that runs off of the main engine and is knows as the "bus" air.
So the good news is that we'll have bus air for the 5-6 hour drive to Louisville, although it'll take a while for it to cool down the now roasting bus.
The bad news is that the gremlin has also taken out a few other things, like the bunk lights, the bathroom lights, and most important to me, the power-operated doors that close off the bunk section of the bus from the front and rear lounges.
With all the dumbasses on this bus, it's hard enough to sleep with earplugs in and the doors SHUT. But with them stuck in the open position, there's no way in hell I'm gonna get any sleep.
It takes me all of 3 seconds to decide to stay behind in Cleveland and rent a car tomorrow to drive to Louisville. I call the hotel to secure a room (we all checked out this morning), but they're completely sold out. Plan B – I get Danny's room key from him (he didn't check out at the desk when he left an hour ago, thankfully), so I'll go sleep in his room.
I grab my luggage and catch a ride back to the hotel with Mark Wise, who's leaving the tour tonight. By 12:30am, I've gotten online and secured a rental car for the drive and hit the hay.
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