I'm loving it. Three days off, three movies. Today I was gonna see Cars at noon, but as soon as the lights dimmed a family came in. Mom, dad, an incredibly talkative 3 year-old and a baby in a stroller. Say it with me:
HELL, NO!!!!!!!!
Had the place all to myself until they came in. I can't deal with noisemakers in movie theaters, so I slipped out and went next door, where Nacho Libre was gonna start in 15 minutes. Only about 8 people in there, and all adults. Much better.
Too bad the movie sucked. Seriously, do not waste your money to see this piece of crap.
Hung our in my room most of the afternoon, then around 6 I headed to McCormick & Schmick's for dinner.
Thought about going out to the shed to see Fiona Apple, but it's too damn far away and I don't feel like calling anyone to scam tickets.
TV, bed…
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