Saturday, June 24, 2006

Day Off in San Antonio

Slept in this morning, meaning 7:30. Putzed around the room for a while, then went in search of breakfast. Walked around for about an hour, then on the way back, I found the Blanco Café about 5 blocks from the hotel. Pretty well known place as it turns out. There are three of them in town, but this is the original.

By this time it was after 11, so I opted for lunch instead of breakfast. Had some cheese enchiladas that were among the best I've ever had.

Walked around for another hour. Went by the Alamo, but didn't go in. I've been before, and besides, the line was crazy. Went there back in 2000, when I was tour managing BBMak.

I celebrated my 43rd birthday here in San Antonio back in 2001, during the Ozzfest tour. Did a 10-mile run that day in some serious heat. Well, it was July after all. Sure wish I could run a 10-miler right now.

I head back to the hotel, where I accomplish nothing the rest of the day. Run out to pick up some food around 6, for later on. Wind up watching Forest Gump on TV, then off to bed.

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