Saturday, April 15, 2006

Show Day in Norfolk

Today our show is at the Ted Constant Convocation Center at Old Dominion University. Nice venue, at least the parts of it that I see. I never even see the room the stage is in, capacity 6000-ish.

The promoter today is Allen Corbett, from the AEG office in South Carolina. It's our 3rd and final show with him on this tour – he also did the Raleigh and Charlotte shows. His dad is the late Cecil Corbett, who founded C & C Concerts a long, long time ago. I met him in the 70's when I managed a Record Bar store in Charlotte. Allen and I kinda grew up in the same era and he knows a lot of people, places and things I'm familiar with. He's probably my favorite promoter in the U.S.

I definitely have my groove going by now, the 29th of 49 shows on this tour. I actually step away from the venue for about an hour during the afternoon and walk about a block away to the Port City Java. After placing my order, one of the kids behind the counter spots my laminate and walkie-talkie and asks who's playing the arena tonight. I tell him R. Kelly. His co-worker pipes in with "you mean the child molester?" For just a second I want to punch him in the face. Everybody's a smart-ass.

I'm NOT trying to defend R. Kelly. I don't know if he did what he's accused of doing or not. Just tired of hearing about it.

As long as the checks don't bounce, ya know?

In honor of tomorrow being Easter, we sent a runner out to get some Peeps. Man, those things are nasty…

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