Thursday, April 20, 2006

Day Off in Columbus

We arrived at the hotel just before 9am. I love this Sheraton because there's lots of stuff to do here.

By 9:30, I'm at the Starbucks nearby, where I spend 2 hours reading the paper and having scone. Take a walk after that, mostly to clear my head and plan the rest of my day off. I check to see what movies are playing at the multiplex across from the hotel, then grab a sandwich from Panera for later.

Spend most of the day hanging out in the room listening to tunes and doing some work. Grab a shower and then head out just before 6 for dinner. Wind up at the sushi bar for dinner and brews. By 7:30, I'm at my Columbus home away from home, the Ruckmoor Pub.

The Ruckmoor is a great old man bar that I found last year. A bit smoky, but worth the visit. I'm in luck tonight – due to the great weather, they've got all 3 doors open and the breeze is blowing through.

The first thing I do (after ordering a $2.50 Bud in the can) is drop $25.00 in the jukebox and proceed to play all of MY favorite songs. Three-plus hours and many beers later, my music runs out, which means it's time for me to go.

Walk back to my room (about 4 blocks) and hit the hay.

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