Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Day Off in Dallas

Got in my bunk last night around 1:30 am. I wasn't really tired, but since there are 8 other people who live on my bus, there were bodies everywhere. I needed some alone time. I read maybe 4 pages before sleep took over…

I woke up at 5:40 as we pulled into the lovely Sheraton Suites. Sure wish I could have gotten more sleep than that. Gratton's back in a few minutes with room keys. I head up to my room and try to catch a few winks, but it's just no use.

Knock out most of USA Today, then head down the block to Denny's for breakfast. There's absolutely fuck-all to do around here. There's a montrous Hilton across the street, a Renaissance, a Wyndham, a Ramada, a Fairfield, and a few others. We're talking a 2-block stretch with tons of hotels, yet the ONLY restaurant (other than the ones in the hotels) is a Denny's. Not just any Denny's, but the Denny's with the worst staff in America. I've stayed here a few times, and eaten at this damn restaurant more times than I can count. Pretty sure I ranted about it last August when I was here during the System of a Down tour.

So it's Denny's for breakfast, then back to the room to blog, read, and watch Headline News.

Back at Denny's around 2, where I meet up with Carlton (monitor engineer) and Big Bob Fontenot (venue security guy). We laugh through lunch and then discuss going to Jade, the Oriental massage joint 2 doors down. Can you say "happy ending?"

Instead, we all head back to our rooms. I'm just gonna kick it here for a few more hours.

Man, I just can't get motivated to do anything tonight. I'd like to go down to Deep Ellum (the Dallas equivalent to the French Quarter), and eat 'n drink at Sol's Taco Lounge, but it looks like I'm gonna just stay in. I order a small pizza and some Budweisers from room service and that's gonna do it. Watch the season premiere of the Sopranos and off to sleep.

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