Monday, August 8, 2005

Show Day in Phoenix



Oh, fucking hell. Please kill me now…

Every part of my body hurts.

Who on earth did this to me?

Oh yeah, I did it. Crap, gotta get In gear. This is gonna be a rough day.

Today's show is at America West Arena in Phoenix. Thank god I've got my own office today, so I don’t have to listen to everybody else all day long. I make it until 1pm before I break down and go out to the bus for a nap. Wake up feeling more human about 2 hours later. Can't eat anything before 6 unless I want to see it again.

My buddy Dennis emails me and asks me to get the local Mac guru into the show. I meet him and his girl outside and give them a couple of laminates. After the show they come backstage and hang out with me for about 45 minutes. Louis is a cool young guy who owns a company called MacMedia. Complete Mac geek in all the best ways. Gets into the Linux core on my laptop and helps me with a couple of problems I've been having. Hey, I'll trade tickets for computer maintenance anytime. He also has another company called Etch-A-Mac that does really cool laser-etching on iPods and Powerbooks. Good hookup to have for future reference.

Bus finally pulls out around 2:40am. We've got over 1200 miles to go to get to Dallas. Should get there tomorrow night around 9pm. No show the next day. Gonna try to stay out of trouble, but who knows? I'm in my bunk just after 3, read a chapter, fall asleep.

Follow the Bobzilla's Photos link at the right to see photos from my travels.

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