Arrive at the hotel around 12:30pm. After I get everyone checked in, I walk about ½ mile with our merch guy Robb to eat lunch at the Waffle House.
After that, we part ways and I head to the mall near the hotel. Wander around there for a couple of hours, but don't buy anything. As I'm leaving, I spot a Fry's Electronics store ¼ away across the parking lot. Holy crap! Don't know if you've ever been in one of these, but it's incredible. Pretty much the same stuff as Best Buy, but you could easily fit 4 Best Buy stores inside of it. By far the biggest electronics selection I've ever seen under one roof. Finally get out of there an hour and a half later, successfully. By that, I mean that I managed to escape having spent only $30.00.
Walk the ½ mile or so back to the hotel and drop off my new stuff, then take off around 5:30 for Starbucks, which is about a mile away. Get a drink and just as I'm sitting down outside it starts to rain. I'm under a cover, so I continue reading my newspaper. About 10 minutes into the storm, it turns into a full-on gully washer. The wind picks up dramatically, blowing the rain all the way up under my shelter, forcing me inside for awhile. Twenty minutes later the storm disappears as quickly as it had arrived, so I move back outside to enjoy the now cooler temperature.
Finally head back toward the hotel aournd 7:15, scoping out my dinner options along the way. Decide on a burrito from Chipotle Grill, get it to go. Back in the room I grab a shower, then sit down to dinner and the football game. New Orleans vs. New England are playing a preseason game tonight. I hate both of 'em – I'm a Panthers fan. But I especially hate the N.E. Patriots, so I’m pulling for the Saints. Catch the news after the game, then it's snoozeville…
Follow the Bobzilla's Photos link at the right to see photos from my travels.
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