Sunday, June 26, 2005

Show Day in Interlaken, Switzerland

The Alps
Originally uploaded by bd58.
Wake up around 9am. We're about 50 miles away from Bern, Switzerland. I can see the Alps in the distance, so after a leftover cheese sandwich for breakfast, I grab my camera and sit up front with Werner to enjoy the view. Once we get past Bern, the view gets much better. Switzerland is such a beautiful country. Everyone should see what I'm seeing. I snap a bunch of photos, but they're only gonna look so good from inside the bus. I can tell that this is gonna be my favorite 2 hours of the whole tour.

Today, we're playing the Greenfield Festival in Interlaken, Switzerland. The festival site itself is nestled in a valley deep in the Alps. You can keep Red Rocks in Colorado. I think this is the most amazing place I've ever seen for putting on a show. All day long, there are dozens of Para-Sailers dropping into the valley from various mountaintops surrounding us. At one point, I count nearly 30 in the sky at one time. I try to get some shots of them, but they're too far away.

Twenty-five thousand kids today. They've all been camping our here for days. Today is the fourth and final day of the festival. And damn is it hot!!!! All the kids keep jumping into the river running through the site, and lots of them are only wearing swimsuits.

My buddy Greg was here last night with Green Day. I'm sure they had a wild time.

It's the last day of our tour, so guys keep coming out the woodwork with receipts and needs for this and that, keeping me pretty busy.

My bus will depart tonight about 45 minutes after our set. We've gotta haul ass 300 miles to the Frankfurt, Germany airport because some crew guys have flights before 10am. Here in Europe you only average about 50 mph, and by law the driver has to take a 45 minute break every 4 hours. I don't think anyone will miss their flight, but everyone would at least like to grab a quick shower before getting on their planes. The good news is that the Frankfurt Airport Sheraton is built INTO the terminal. You check out, walk through a side door and you're inside. Great!

FYI, my countdown timer (for when I step into the plane) is at 18 hours, 19 minutes, and 50 seconds.

Tick, tock, tick, tock…

Tha band finally arrives around 8pm. Johh, the drummer, comes in raving about the location and asks if I'll come outside and take some pictures os him with the mountains as a backdrop. Spend about 20 minutes doing that and he likes the photos so much that he wants me to have them all printed and sent to him.

We're crazy busy in the production office, between the tour manager, the production manager and myself. Winding down this tour, and gearing up for our U.S. Arena Tour starting the first week of August in Long Beach, CA. Both of those guys will be on (separate) 2 week vacations with their families in the Bahamas during July, so I'll probably get a few extra phone calls during their absence. Both of them put management, crew and band on notice that they would NOT be taking their laptops or mobile phones with them. Translate: won't be anwering email and will call screen to avoid work. Can't say that I blame them.

Shortly after the band hits the stage, we all 3 start tearing down. I've gotta be onstage for the last song tonight. Mick Ridley, our merch guy, will be running out during the song and a lot of his clothing will be coming off.

Crap! I'm out at the bus when the song starts. I grab my camera and run for the stage. He's already down to his boxers and is running around like a madman. The whole band is cracking up while trying to play. Serj, the singer, tries to "pants" him to no avail. Shavo quits playing bass for a few seconds in another attempt to bare his buns. They start wrestling for control of his boxers on stage left, nearly tumbling over a few monitor wedges. Mick manages to keep his dignity (like hs has any left by now) and then the drum tech gives him a mondo wedgie. Band and crew alike are doubled over with laughter and everyone with a camera of any sort is getting it all. Then it's over.

I head back to production for goodbyes, then to the dressing room for hugs and goodbyes with the band. Next, a fond farewell to Sasha, our promoter rep. She's done 3 shows with us on this tour is just super. She grew up in the states and attended Bowling Green (or is it BG State?) in Ohio. Anyway, it's been fun, so hugs and byes and I'm off to the bus.

We split right on time at 12:15. Last round of cheers and beers – I’m off to bunkyland by 1:15.

Follow the Bobzilla's Photos link at the right to see photos from my travels.

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