Thursday, June 2, 2005

Day Off in London, Part II

Vauxhall Bridge
Originally uploaded by bd58.
Make great time getting to the hotel. I stagger in to check everyone in and head for a shower. Great hotel, although everything seems to be a few blocks away from it. Find a pub called the White Swan to take care of my Fish & Chips craving. Average at best. I hate that there's no authentic chipshop nearby, where the F&C is served in a paper cone. Have a beer with lunch, which completely kicks my buzz back in.

Walk over by the Thames and take the shot above. Across the street to my rear (out of the photo) is MI-5, the British equivalent to the U.S. Secret Service. They deal with domestic intelligence. To the left in the photo is MI-6 (their version of the CIA), who handle international. You know, all the James Bond type stuff. I take a couple more shots of the building and can't help thinking that there a lens of some sort (surveillance, sniper rifle, etc.) trained on me as I do so. I thought the condo towers to the right looked pretty cool, and that's the Vauxhall Bridge below them.

Back to the room for a nap, then meet up with a few guys back at the White Swan to start our evening of festivities. After several rounds of John Smith's (hand drawn from the keg), we're off for a curry dinner. Find a great place a block away and between the 5 of us, we order an obscene amount of food. 150 gbp (about $275 usd) later, we're stuffed and back to the White Swan for the last hour before closing.

Follow the Bobzilla's Photos link at the right to see more photos.

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