Thursday, June 2, 2005

Day Off in London, Part I

Originally uploaded by bd58.
Wake up around 5:30am in the Calais-Dover Ferry waiting area. Pooch, our foh engineer fires up the blender by 6, and the drinking commences. He makes a concoction he calls Virgin Pussy Juice. Orange juice concentrate, grenadine, ice, and rum. Lots of rum. We get hammered. Onto the ferry and straight to the bar for Boddington's beer, which is known as "The Cream of Manchester". When I step away to buy a round, Pooch takes the self portrait shot.

Try to get to the outside deck to shoot some photos of the White Cliffs of Dover, but it's so foggy you can't see much beyond the end of the ship.

After landing, I finally get a shot of the cliffs. From the bus, of course, driving away. Needless to say, the cliffs look a lot more impressive when seen from a distance, like from the ferry. Especially just as the sun is rising. Maybe you can make out the UFO's in the photo…

Fall back in the bunk to sleep off the VPJ buzz en route to London.

Follow the Bobzilla's Photos link at the right to see more photos.

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