My bus has 10 guys on it, counting me. Here in Europe we usually have double-decker buses, with one lounge downstairs, another upstairs and anywhere from 12 to 16 bunks upstairs. This one is a single-decker, with a large front lounge, a medium sized rear lounge, and 15 bunks. I'm the designated "adult" on my bus, also known as the bus mom. In other words, I'm pretty much the guy in charge of it. I don't give a rat's ass about that, other than the fact that it allows me to have first pick of bunks. If you've never spent time in a tiny bunk on a 45-foot submarine with a dozen other guys on it, that'll mean nothing to you. If you have, you KNOW how important a good bunk can be. The bunks on this bus are stacked up three high - I take a middle bunk so I don't have to get on the floor to crawl in OR climb up into a top bunk. I've seen guys fall out of the top bunks and it's not a pretty sight.
I got some cool photos outside the venue, but I haven't figured out how to post them here yet. Maybe I'll get some time tomorrow.
Our catering for the last couple of days has been great. I always enjoy the food in Europe. I can never understand why anyone would go to McDonald's over here. Hell, I can't figure out why they do it back home either.
Tomorrow's the first show of the tour. It's a festival with a capacity of 40,000 and we're headlining. SOAD isn't on until 11pm, so it's gonna be a long day.
Heading to the bar...
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