Sunday, May 29, 2005

Dining Companions

Dining Companions
Originally uploaded by bd58.
Sunday On The Bus, Part II

Because the crew got brutalized by the ultra late show, Eddie and I decided to treat everyone to dinner at a restaurant my driver suggested – Buffalo Grill, somewhere off the motorway in France. We stopped and ate and drank and laughed. And pissed off every French person within earshot of us. The restaurant had a great patio, and it was a beautiful day, so we dined al fresco.

The photo above is the dog that was hanging out at the restaurant with us. It just appeared as we were being seated. We assumed it belonged to someone at the restaurant, they assumed it belonged to us. Great pup. Several folks said they would have taken her home if we'd been in the States and she hadn't been wearing a collar.

FYI, the dog is on the left. On the right is Shawn Shebetka, our set carpenter.

Follow the Bobzilla's Photos link at the right to see more photos.

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