We all split for the airport at 11 and arrive to find that our flight is delayed by an hour or so. I camp out at the gate with the lovely Janet Taylor and we do the chill & chat until flight time.
On the ground in Sydney about 50 minutes later than scheduled. Straight to the hotel, and I go hide in my room for a bit. Nice room…
Head out to look for dinner around 6. Run into Darren and Adam down by the harbor. We make plans to meet up on restaurant row around 7:30 and they head back to the hotel.
I walked around until meeting up with them, taking a few shots along the way…
Sydney Harbor Bridge
Sydney Opera House

Central Business District
We wound up eating outside at a place called Wolfie's. The food was pretty good. I only had 2 beers and my share came to $90 AUD, which is about $80 USD. Note to self – find cheaper restaurants, so I might actually come home with some of my per diem money at the end of the tour.
All those years of seeing pictures of the Sydney Opera House and there I sat, eating dinner, and it was right there in front of me. Cool.
After dinner, we just kinda packed it in and went back to the hotel. I was in bed by 11:30 or so…
BEAUTIFUL pix, Zilla. Love the folks climbing the bridge!
Miss you. Saw Sarah Borges tonight; think you would have liked her....a lot.
Good for people to know.
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