Had an Un-Party tonight. Sent out invitations for people to drop by for drinks and chow. Foy, Carina and Steve showed up and we got absolutely shit-faced drunk and watched the Bud Shootout race from Daytona.
Bob is on the road again...
Bobbortunity [bob-er-TOO-ni-tee] -noun, plural -ties
1. Favorable juncture of circumstances that allows one to be in the presence of Bob.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Let It Snow!
Got up at 7am. No snow falling yet, but it's not supposed to start until 9 or 10. Right at 8 o'clock, it suddenly starts to come down in a very fine powder. Great!
The bad news is that it changed over to rain around noon, then continued to rain the entire rest of the day.
Went to Northside with the Beals around 5:30 for a couple of beers. Home at 7 and watched "We Were Soldiers".
The bad news is that it changed over to rain around noon, then continued to rain the entire rest of the day.
Went to Northside with the Beals around 5:30 for a couple of beers. Home at 7 and watched "We Were Soldiers".